This option allows the administrator to manage the facility that exports system logs to an external, third-party syslog server that is compliant with RFC-5424.

In computing, "Syslog" is a standard for system message logging. It allows the separation of the software that generates messages, the system that stores them, and the software that reports and analyses them. Each message is labeled with a facility code, indicating the software type generating the message, and assigned a severity label.

After selecting "Configuration | Syslog" from the Admin Console a new tab titled "SYSLOG" is opened;

The General Tab

The tab "General" allows the System Administrator to configure the connection details of the server (it also includes an option to disable the server);

At the prompt "Server Address:", enter the address of the third party supplied syslog client application. 

At the prompt "Port:", enter the port address of the syslog client application.

At the prompt "Protocol:", select the communication protocol ("TCP", "UDP", "UNIX SYSLOG" or "UNIX SOCKET") .

The checkbox "Enabled" allows the system administrator to either enable or disable the syslog server.

The Option Tab

The tab "Option" is used to determine which log fields are sent to the client syslog application, and if the system's own internal log is to be sent;

The Checkbox "Log Extended Fields" enables log extended fields messages to be sent to the client syslog application.

The Checkbox "Log Request Input" enables log request input messages to be sent to the client syslog application.

The Checkbox "Log Request Output" enables if log request output messages to be sent to the client syslog application.

The Checkbox "Write System Internal Log to Syslog" enables internal log messages to be sent to the client syslog application.

The Advanced Tab

The tab "Advanced" provides options to configure the Application, Message Details, Local Machine Settings, Facility Settings and Time Quality options;

Application, Message Details, Local Machine Settings, Facility Settings and Time Quality options, and looks like the following; 

The section "Application" will determine if the properties "Application Name" and "Enterprise ID" are sent to the client logger.

The section "Message" will determine the maximum message length of data sent to the client logger, and if the data is truncated if it exceeds this length (defaults to 2046 characters).

The section "Local" will state the local Name of the syslog server, the character set that it uses, and if the local time stamp (and local name) are sent to the client logger.

The section "Facility" will determine the source of messages that are sent to the client logger.

The section "Time Quality" will identify if the time zone is known, synched and to what degree of accuracy the messages are expected to have.