To create or edit a policy, we need to open the policy editor window first.

Select "Administration | Policies" on the side panel.

To create a new policy, click the "CREATE" button on the toolbar to open the policy editor window.

In the policy editor, firstly select DevicePass from the Category drop-down list

Policy Bindings

Enter or select the following policy bindings:


The policy holder defines the scope of the policy. 

Name:An unique name that describe this policy

Optionally, you can bind the policy to a specific applicaiton or a list of applications. To specify the application(s),  select the field: Apply policy to these applications

If the field Apply policy to these applications is left empty, then the policy will be applied to all applications. 

Policy Options



Max Number of DevicesThe maximum number of devices a user can connect to the exchange server from.  '0' means unlimited
Max Number of Profiles per DeviceThe maximum number of fingerprint profiles per device.   
Token Lifetime (Days)You can set the DeviceID token to expire after a certain amount of days.
ThresholdThe amount of Hardware component information recorded in the fingerprint
Lock To DomainDevice Fingerprint is bound to the domain of the device it is being registered to and can only be used for that domain
Automatic UpdateFingerprint Profile will be updated automatically

Device Activation Options

Set Device Activation to do nothing as it will be Admin who will be activating the DevicePass token on the Admin Console

Device Registration Options

This can be left with the defaults.

Grace Period Options

This can be left as default as Admin will be activating the token.