Navigate to the GoToMeeting Organization Center at

Select the "Identity Provider" tab

ADFS publishes its metadata to a standard URL, e.g. https://adfs-host-name/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml

If this URL is publicly available on the Internet, select the Automatic configuration option, then enter the ADFS's metadata URL in the text field and click Save when finished.

If the ADFS's metadata URL is not publicly available, then collect the single-sign-on URL and a certificate (for signature validation) from ADFS and submit them using the Manual configuration option 

Open the ADFS Management console

Select the Endpoints folder to display a list of the ADFS endpoints.

Look for the SAML 2.0/WS-Federation type endpoint and copy the URL from its properties. 

Open the ADFS Management Console

Select the Certificates folder to display the certificates.

Look for the Token-signing certificate,

Right click on it and select View Certificate.

Select the Details tab, and then the Copy to File option.

Using Certificate export wizard, select the Base-64 Encoded X.509 (.Cer).

Assign a name to the file to complete the export of the certificate into a file.

Enter http://adfs-host-name/adfs/services/trust as the Identity Provider Entity ID, e.g.