Create a Logon Procedure for ADC Citrix Gateway

  1. Login to the DualShield Administration Console
  2. In the main menu, select Authentication > Logon Procedures

3. Click the "Create" button on the toolbar

4. Enter "Name" and select Web SSO as the type.

5. Click Save

6. Click the Context Menu icon of the newly create logon procedure, select Logon Steps

7. In the popup windows, click on Add

8. Select the desired authentication method, e.g. Static Password

9. Click Save

10.Repeat step 7-9 to add more logon steps if desired, e.g. One-Time Password.

Create an Application for ADC Citrix Gateway

  1. In the main menu, select Authentication > Application

2. Click on Create

3. Enter Name

4. Select Realm from drop-down list and Logon Procedure from search button.

5. Click Save

6. Click the context menu of the newly created application, select Agents

7. Select Single Sign-on Server

8. Click Save

9. Click the context menu of the newly created application, select Self Test

If configured correctly all the tests should pass, as below.

Create a SAML Service Provider for ADC Citrix Gateway

  1. In the main menu, select SSO > Service Providers

2. Click Create

3. In the SSO Server field, select your DualShield SSO server from the list

4. In the Name field, enter the name for the Service Provider to be created

5. In the Type field, select SAML 2.0

6. Click on Create Metadata

7. In the Metadata box, enter the metadata of the service provider to be created. (*see template below)

8. Enable Sign on SAML Assertion and Support SP Initiated Single Logout (SLO) under SAML Options

9. Click on Attributes tab at the top

10. Click Create

11. On the Attributes builder specify Location as HTTP Body and enter a name for this attribute. In this case I have used the name loginName .

12. Click on the search symbol to the right of the Maps To field.

13. Select the identity source that will be used and select Login Name from the Maps to drop down list:

14. Click Save

15. Click Save again

16. Repeat steps 10 & 11 but this time name the attribute passwd

17. Copy this syntax clearPassword.encodeAsBase64() and paste it into the Maps To field

18. Click Save

19. Click Save again.