Click the "Configure" button on the SAML add-on:

This will bring up the SAML configuration window below:

Now, you need to edit the following fields:

Login URL

The login URL should be in the form below:

replace "" with the domain name of your DualShield server, and "xxxx" with the application name created for JIRA in your DualShield server, e.g. "JIRA"

Logout URL

The logout URL should be in the form below:

replace "" with the domain name of your DualShield server, and "xxxx" with the application name created for JIRA in your DualShield server, e.g. "JIRA"

UID Attribute

Keep the default value, i.e "NameID"

X.509 Certificate

This is your IdP's certificate, i.e. the certificate of your Dualshield SSO server. You can download it from your DualShield server: 

Entity ID

This is the EntityID of your IdP, i.e.  i.e. the EntityID of your Dualshield SSO server. You can copy it from your DualShield server: