Create a Service Provider

  1. Login to DualShield Management Console
  2. Select “SSO | Service Providers”
  3. Click the “Create”

  4. In "Type", select "SAML 2.0"

  5. Select "SSO Server" and "Application"
  6. Enter "Name" and "Description"
  7. Paste the SalesForce's metadata into the “Metadata” field
  8. In "SAML options", select "Sign on SAML assertion" on 
  9. In "Attributes", click the "Edit" button
  10. Click the "Create" button on the toolbar
  11. In "Location", select "HTTP Body"
  12. In "Name", enter "loginname"
  13. In "Maps to an identity attribute", click the search icon
  14. Assuming that your SalesForce loginname is your email address, then map the loginname to email.
  15. Save the attribute
  16. In "NameID Format", select "Map to the following attribute"
  17. In "Attribute" select the newly created attribute, i.e."loginname"
  18. Click "Save"