To install the DualShield Server on a Linux server machine, download the installation file "setupdualshield-xxxx-yyyy.bin" in which xxxx is the version number and yyyy is the build number, e.g. "setupdualshield64-".

Download the installer

To install the entire DualShield Authentication platform or some of its components, download the installation file setupdualshieldxxx.bin in which xxx is the version & build number, e.g. setupdualshield64-

However, the downloaded installation file is not executable, you need to execute command chmod in order to make it executable, e.g.

chmod a+x setupdualshield64-

Install Dependencies

In some editions of Linux OS, you might need to install the following dependencies first.

CentOS - RHEL - Fedora

For RPM based Linux, e.g. CentOS, RedHat and Fedora etc

yum install -y perl-Module-Install.noarch libaio fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts
# or
dnf install -y perl-Module-Install.noarch libaio fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts
Debian - Ubuntu

For Debian based Linux, e.g. Ubuntu:

apt-get update
apt-get install libaio1 fonts-dejavu

Add hostname into the hosts file:

echo " $(hostname)" >> /etc/hosts


Using Fonts with OpenJDK / Zulu