DualShield is a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) platform that is used to secure all types of applications with two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication.

Unified Authentication Methods

DualShield supports almost every type of multi-factor authenticaiton method that you have ever seen and wanted to use, covering all areas in knowledge-based (what you know), token & device based (what you have) and biometrics (what you are).

Unified Authentication Solutions

DualShield can secure all commonly used enterprise and web/cloud applications with multi-factor authentication, covering VPN & RDP remote access, Windows, Mac and Linux OS Logon, Web & Cloud services as well as Outlook emails.

Unified Authentication Protocols

DualShield supports several authentication protocols that have been used by different types of applications, including LDAP, RADIUS, SAML, FIDO and OATH.

Unified Authentication Experience

Multi-factor authentication requires users to provide multiple credentials in the login process. It is inevitably more complex and time consuming than password only authentication. Typically, users often need to access different types of remote resources, services and applications, from various types of devices. For instance, you may need to connect to your corporate network remotely via VPN from your laptop, and you might also need to access your business emails from your smart phones. Therefore, the user experience in the multi-factor authentication (MFA) process is very important. A successful MFA product must provide an excellent user experience in such way that users do not see multi-factor authentication being inconvenient to use, or even reducing their productivity.