After you have burnt a seed onto the programmable tokens they will be able to produce 6 digit OTP codes that can be used when authenticating, however it would be handy if we can verify that the token has be correctly programmed.

Fortunately this is a relatively simple process and programmed tokens can be checked using one of the following methods.;

Using an Online TOTP Token Generator

There are several online token generator pages that may be used to check the codes generated by a programmed OATH TOTP token, and can be used to confirm that the codes that the token burning process worked without issue.

After programming the token open the following online TOTP Token Generator;

Transfer the Seed data and time window parameters from the SafeID programming tool to the online page;

Leave the number of digits set to 6 and compare the generated 6 digit OTP code with the code displayed on your hardware token.

The online page should now generate matching OTP codes to the token. If the codes don't match first turn the token off then on and if this doesn't resolve the issue check for any errors on the date and time on the computer used to program the token.

Using the Google Authenticator app

You can of course use the Google Authenticator app and either scan in the QR code that was used by the programming tool, or manually add the token details using the "Enter a setup key" option (just copy the seed details to the box marked "Your key".

Once added the authenticator app will generate 6 digit codes, and as per the Online TOTP generator method you can verify that the token is creating valid OTP codes.